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Site created by
Duncan Mackintosh
Image © Bob Jones


Latitude: 50° 41'N
Longitude: 01° 05'W
Country: England

Ownership: Bembridge Harbour Improvements Co Ltd
Type: Private
Usage: Leisure, Fishing
Contact name: Chris Turvey, Harbourmaster
Address: Harbour Office, The Duver, St Helens, Isle of Wight, PO33 1YB
Telephone no: 01983 872828
E-mail: chris@bembridgeharbour.co.uk
Website: www.bembridgeharbour.co.uk

About Bembridge

Bembridge Harbour is located on the East side of the Isle of Wight offering easy access to the Solent, Britain's premier yachting area. It is a large natural, sheltered picturesque harbour whose entrance is restricted by the tides.

Bembridge Harbour is home to two sailing clubs - the Bembridge Sailing Club (01983 872237) which was founded in 1886, and the Brading Haven Yacht Club (01983 873911). Both clubs support all-year round sailing activities. There is a thriving marina at St Helens which is managed on behalf of the harbour owners by the harbour master. Additionally, he controls a number of floating pontoon berths, Fisherman's Wharf, and the pontoons opposite Bembridge Boatyard.

Although first time visitors find entry to Bembridge somewhat daunting and care must be taken on an ebbing tide, the channel is well buoyed and locals as well as regular visitors come and go about 3 hours either side of high water. Half a dozen or so commercial fishing craft work out of the harbour, and regular fishing trips can be booked.

The harbour is currently (December 2009) up for sale. Among interested buyers are the Bembridge Harbour Trust, whose website provides a detailed and fascinating history of the harbour.

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