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Site created by
Duncan Mackintosh
Image © Bob Jones


Latitude: 54° 50'N
Longitude: 05° 43'W
Country: N. Ireland

Ownership: Larne Borough Council
Type: Municipal
Usage: Leisure, Fishing
Contact name: Mr Terence Stitt, Harbour Master
Address: 70 Portmuck Road, Portmuck, Larne
Telephone no: 02893 382549 (days)
E-mail: terence_stitt@hotmail.com

About Portmuck

Portmuck was named after Muck Isle whose name was derived from the Irish Muc meaning pig, as the island is supposed to resemble a sleeping pig.

The bay of Portmuck has had its share of history as in its time it has been a revenue station, a coast guard station, an export harbour, the site of a fortress, a monastery and was well known for smuggling.

It is designated an area of special scientific interest.

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