Image © Bob Jones
Meanish (Loch Pooltiel)
Latitude: 57° 27'N
Longitude: 06° 44'W
Country: Scotland
Ownership: Highland Council
Type: Municipal
Usage: Fishing
Contact name: Mr Colin Alston, Portree Harbour Master
Telephone no: 01478 612926
About Meanish (Loch Pooltiel)
Loch Pooltiel is a small inlet on the north west of Skye. Before the advent of good roads, coastal puffers docked at the pier carrying coal and supplies. For centuries, cattle boats from North Uist connected here with a drover's track - one of three Skye routes connected to mainland crossings. Ships stopped calling at the old pier long ago. However following repair it is now used by boats servicing the fish farm industry.Return to Area Map