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Hound Point Terminal
Image © Bob Jones

Hound Point Terminal

Latitude: 55° 60'N
Longitude: 03° 21'W
Country: Scotland

Ownership: Forth Ports plc
Type: Private
Usage: Commercial
Telephone no: 0131 331 1488
Website: www.forthports.co.uk/port...nd/marine/

About Hound Point Terminal

The offshore Hound Point oil installation in the River Forth is where North Sea oil starts its journey to refineries round the world. It is operated by BP Amoco and can accept vessels up to 300,000 tonnes deadweight.

Pipes run to the terminal from a storage facility two miles to the south west, near the village of Dalmeny. The crude oil is piped directly there from the Forties oilfield.

In 2001 the throughput of crude oil at Hound Point was 26.4 million tonnes.

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