Image © Bob Jones
Latitude: 56° 01'N
Longitude: 03° 26'W
Country: Scotland
Ownership: Forth Ports plc
Type: Private
Usage: Commercial
Contact name: Mr. David Oswald, Deputy Port Manager
Address: The Port of Rosyth, Exmouth Building, Rosyth, Fife, KY11 2XP
Telephone no: 01383 414499
About Rosyth
The Port of Rosyth offers deep water river berths with up to 540 metres frontage and a minimum depth of 8.3 metres. The Port lies on the north bank of the River Forth upstream of the Forth road and rail bridges, well sited for the main North Sea shipping lanes and oil and gas fields. Rosyth enjoys excellent road links with the Scottish and UK motorway network to the main centres of population; it is also rail linked, for customers who prefer or require an alternative to road distribution.From its former role as a naval dockyard, Rosyth has quickly established itself as a vigorous facility. New equipment is in place which meets the highest standards of plant and industrial safety and development, and has introduced systems designed to achieve fast and economic ship turnarounds. Cargo discharge or loading is systematically planned, with control and scheduling information processed automatically by an integrated communication system, thus keeping paperwork to a minimum.
A number of businesses have set up in the port, including a pallet manufacturing plant and an offshore support facility. Superfast Ferries operate from the port, to Zeebrugge in Belgium.
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