Image © Severn Boating
Latitude: 52° 02'N
Longitude: 02° 12'W
Country: England
Ownership: Cemex Ltd (RMC Aggregates)
Type: Private
Usage: Commercial
Address: Cemex UK Operations, Coldharbour Lane, Egham, Surrey, TW20 8TD
Telephone no: 01932 568833
About Ripple
Cemex has recently constructed (2006) wharves on the River Severn at Ripple Quarry, near the M50 bridge, and at Ryall House Farm Quarry, near Upton, to facilitate the transport of sand and gravel aggregate between the two facilities.The Ripple Quarry wharf is used for loading the aggregate, from where it is taken two miles upstream to the processing plant at Ryall. Four barges named Perch, Pike, Chub and Transient are involved.
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