Image © The Fuller Photo Gallery
Latitude: 51° 30'N
Longitude: 00° 07'W
Country: England
Ownership: Port of London Authority
Type: Trust
Usage: Leisure, Commercial
Contact name: Mr Geoff Adam, Head of Port Promotion
Address: Bakers' Hall, 7 Harp Lane, London, EC3R 6LB
Telephone no: 020 7743 7931
About London
The Port of London Authority is the port authority for 150km (95 miles) of the tidal Thames from the sea to Teddington. It provides navigational, pilotage and other services for ships using the Port of London. The Port of London Authority is a public trust established in 1908 to ‘administer, preserve and improve the Port of London’. Currently it is constituted under the Port of London Act 1968 and Harbour Revision Orders of 1975, 1992, 1999 and 2003. It has no equity capital and all its operations are financed from revenue with no outside support. Finance for capital works comes from internally generated funds, supplemented by commercial loans and leasing.London is one of the top three ports in the UK and handles over 50 million tonnes of cargo each year. The Port of London comprises over 70 independently owned and operated terminals and port facilities, which handle a wide range of cargoes.
More than 80 terminals situated along the River Thames are geared to handle every type of cargo for import and export, including container cargo and bulk cargo.
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