Image © Bob Jones
Felixstowe Ferry
Latitude: 51° 59'N
Longitude: 01° 23'E
Country: England
Type: Unknown
Usage: Leisure, Fishing, Ferry Terminal
Contact name: John White, Harbourmaster
Telephone no: 01394 270106 Mobile: 07803 476621
About Felixstowe Ferry
A foot passenger ferry operates from the west bank of the River Deben during the summer months, across to Bawdsey. Ferry times (Easter to October) can be checked here. To confirm availability, ring 01394 282173 or 07709 411511.The River Deben is popular with leisure activities, and many boats are moored and maintained here. A large number of fishing boats are also based here. The Harbourmaster is available to give pilotage advice on the Deben entrance bar.
The Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club is based here.
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