Image © Bob Jones
Filey Coble Landing
Latitude: 54° 13'N
Longitude: 00° 17'W
Country: England
Ownership: Scarborough Borough Council
Type: Municipal
Usage: Leisure, Fishing
Contact name: Mr Martin Willis
Address: Scarborough Harbour Office, West Pier, Scarborough, Yorkshire, YO11 1PD
Telephone no: 01723 373530
About Filey Coble Landing
From the records of disputes in the 12th century between Bridlington Priory, Whitby Abbey and Grimsby Abbey, concerning the payment of fish tithes, we know that men were fishing from Filey more than 800 years ago. Other evidence suggests that Filey has been a fishing station from that time until the present day.In mid-Victorian times, Filey’s fishing fleet included more than 30 yawls and 70 cobles. A yawl was designed to stay at sea for several days and to follow the shoals of herring down the coast as far as Great Yarmouth. The construction of a yawl allowed it to be beached safely.
The size of the fishing fleet in those days is surprising, especially as Filey as never had a harbour as such. The Coble Landing itself was insubstantial in construction until 1871, when a timber wall was built; this was replaced by the present stone wall in 1930.
The Landing is a cobbled slipway at the northern end of Filey seafront. It is presently home to several fishing cobles and a number of private leisure craft. The Landing is fronted on the landward side with an RNLI Station and various retail outlets, cafés and amusement arcades and is consequently a popular tourist attraction as well as a designated fishing harbour.
Vessels are launched across the beach to the sea; tractors are used for the heavier fishing vessels. The Landing is open to non-berth holders for the launching of craft.
The Landing is operated by staff from Scarborough Harbour Office to where any queries should be directed.
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